JK Torre D
Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2.041, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo – SP

With striking architecture designed based on sustainable principles, the JK complex is the most complete and luxurious corporate complex in the city of São Paulo. The corporate towers D and E were designed to meet the most demanding standards of technology and comfort, providing efficiency and quality for their occupants. Each corporate tower has independent receptions with access outside and inside the Mall. The complex brings all the advantages of a shopping center and combines several food and entertainment options with security and a wide range of services. It is accessed by three important avenues: Nações Unidas, Juscelino Kubitschek and Chedid Jafet. Located next to “Parque do Povo”.
Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2.041, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo – SP
Chat with our special support

Rua Verbo Divino, 1.400, Chácara Sto. Antônio, São Paulo – SP

Avenida Doutor Cardoso de Mello, 1.955, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo – SP

Avenida João Cabral de Mello Neto, 850, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.400, Itaim Bibi, São Paulo – SP

Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.600, Itaim Bibi, São Paulo – SP

Avenida Engenheiro Roberto Zuccolo, 555, Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo – SP